Peer reviewed articles
What is the recorded economic cost of alien invasive fishes worldwide?
C. Bernery*; P. J Haubrock*; R. N. Cuthbert*; C. Liu; M. Kourantidou; B. Leroy; A. J. Turbelin; A. M. Kramer; L. Verbrugge; C. Diagne; F. Courchamp; R. E. Gozlan. STOTEN, 2021.
Looming extinctions due to invasive species: Irreversible loss of ecological strategy and evolutionary history.
C. Bellard, C. Bernery, C. Leclerc. Global Change Biology, 2021.
--- In progress ---
Drivers and consequences of freshwater fish invasions: a review.
C. Bernery, S. Brosse, I. Jaric, R. Gozlan, B. Leroy, C. Bellard, F. Teletchea, F. Courchamp. In prep.
The conservation paradox of exotic species of economic concern.
M. Robuchon, C. Bernery, C. A. K. M. Dia, F. Courchamp, C. Diagne, G. Heringer, N. Kirichenko, S. Pavoine, D. Renault, V. Rezende, A-C. Vaissière, C. Bellard. In prep.
Species on the move: Stowaways and contaminants cause the greatest economic impacts.
A. Turbelin, C. Diagne; E. J Hudgins; D. Moodley; M. Kourantidou; A. Novoa; P. J Haubrock; C. Bernery; R. Gozlan; R. A Francis; F. Courchamp. Submitted in Biological Invasions.
Important characteristics to become a successful freshwater fish invader.
C. Bernery; C. Bellard; F. Courchamp; S. Brosse; B. Leroy. In prep
​ * : Co-first author

--- 2021 ---
Julie Larcheron - Master 1 intership (3 month)- Classification of the invasive freshwater fish impacts.
Press articles
--- 2021 ---
Dossier "L'accord de Paris tombé aux oubliettes?" - Erosion de la biodiversité. Céline Bellard avec Clara Marino et Camille Bernery. Journal POLITIS.

"1 288 milliards de dollars : chiffrer les dégâts causés par les invasions biologiques pour enfin agir."
Camille Bernery, Boris Leroy, Christophe Diagne et Franck Courchamp. The Conversation France.

"Las invasiones biológicas producen daños y pérdidas multimillonarias: es hora de actuar."
Camille Bernery, Boris Leroy, Christophe Diagne et Franck Courchamp. The Conversation.
"Attack of the alien invaders: pest plants and animals leave a frightening $1.7 trillion bill."
Corey Bradshaw, Boris Leroy, Camille Bernery, Christophe Diagne et Franck Courchamp. The Conversation.
Les espèces envahissantes – un péril majeur. Imagine Demain le monde

Looming extinction due to invasive species. Radio canada.

Courses I gave
--- 2021 ---
Elaboration and presentation of a 1h course on biological invasions for PhD students at the MNHN.

Conferences, presentations and workshops
--- 2021 ---
FishBase - SeaLifeBase Symposium - Presentation : What are the characteristics of the most invasive fishes?​​
PhD Days of the SEVE doctoral school - Poster : What are the characteristics of the invasive fishes? (Best poster award)
--- 2020 ---
InvaCost workshop - A workshop organized to exploit the first global database on the economic costs of biological invasions. Organised by the BioM team, Paris, France.

ESE days - The lab days where I presented my doctoral project
--- Semi-beer ---

A meeting at the lab where someone can choose a paper about any subject (often related to publication/communication/lab life or opinion papers in ecology or funny papers), present it, and then we discuss and debate about it. I presented these following articles :
Career and parenthood - The changing career trajectories of new parents in STEM - Erin A. Cech and Mary Blair-Loy

Repairing research integrity - Sandra L. Titus, James A. Wells & Lawrence J. Rhoades (https://www.nature.com/articles/453980a)