Camille Bernery
I am a PhD student in the BioM (Biodiversity Dynamics & Macroecology) team, at the E.S.E laboratory in Orsay, France. I am working on freshwater fish invasions and their drivers. I am supervised by Franck Courchamp (Biom, Orsay), Céline Bellard (Biom, Orsay), and Boris Leroy (MNHN, Paris).


The main goal of my PhD project is to understand the factors impacting the invasion success of freshwater fishes at a global scale, identifying the invasive species characteristics and the invaded region characteristics. The long-term goal of my PhD is to build future scenarios of invasion gathering all the factors we have identified. I also have sub-project : I study the consequences of invasions wondering what is the profile of species threatened by invasive ones, and what is the economic cost of invasive species. Next to that, I am really interested in scientific popularization and I did a doctoral mission at the Palais de la découverte, Paris.

E.S.E laboratory
The scientific activities of ESE cover a wide range of research in ecology and evolution, focusing on the origin and dynamics of biodiversity and the evolution and functioning of ecosystems. Several ESE researchers study the effects of global changes, particularly climate change, for populations, communities and ecosystems, and the response to such changes.
Among these projects, some are closely linked to societal concerns and contribute to the development of decision-making tools for managers of biodiversity and social-ecological systems.
BioM Team
The BioM team’s researches focus on diverse topics, all related to large-scale biodiversity conservation facing the impacts of human activities. We are particularly interested in the consequences of climate change and biological invasions on biodiversity, with a particular attention for island ecosystems. Population dynamics is also a complementary axis of our studies to better understand the underlying ecological processes and consequences of biotic interactions at local scale.
Our studies may mobilize different complementary approaches, such as lab experiments, field observations or various analytical approaches (meta-analyzes of the literature results, modeling, statistical analyses).